In case you have forgotten how to relax…. #leadership #meditation #lifecoaching #covid19

In these challenging times how do we as a global community evolve to a higher consciousness?

Its time for us to take responsibility and experience our oneness with all life!

Meditation is a way of life

How are you feeling now?

Welcome to the Circus show..If your lost and need help to find the exit rise above and see the path out…

Have you won your independence?

Can you trust your perceptions??

Can you trust your perception? I personally feel as a person who has had the experience of transcending the mind, that it's important to recognize the limitations of our perceptions. We can be very confident of our perceptions and they can lead to convicining results if we pursue them but the fact is those results … Continue reading Can you trust your perceptions??

Be Sincere Not Serious…

Sincerity is lived through Mindfulness while seriousness is lived through an agenda. You can't be both at the same time. If you want to deepen your meditative learning, you need to recognize that you have already taken the illusion too seriously....and as a result your working towards an outcome...split the words outcome and you will … Continue reading Be Sincere Not Serious…

Love this quote of Byron Katie This kind of also sums up your awakening experience where you realise all that is born is a product of an I THOUGHT & who you are is a witness of even that thought which then goes on to individuality... As you progress from selfishness towards selflessness, the individual feeling, chunks up and back … Continue reading Love this quote of Byron Katie

Small leads to the big stuff

Build healthy small habbits and you will be surprised where it takes you...

Are you awake enough to catch a dream and look through it? #leadership #mindfulness #lifecoaching #meditation #mindbodysoul

Learning is within the framework of context but context itself is in a framework of your understanding of Self… #leadership #healing #wisdom #mindfulness To learn the most of any situation you must not just contextualize the event or experience but also the perspective of how you relate to in do you see and learn things from the view I am (insert your given name)/ and this experience of mine shows me....while this is ok it's a … Continue reading Learning is within the framework of context but context itself is in a framework of your understanding of Self… #leadership #healing #wisdom #mindfulness

Most people think they are awake….

Don’t get fooled by silence..

Are you a depressed Person?? #mentalhealth #healing #awareness #spirituality #nlp

Depression and excitement are a state of mind. They are NOT you!!!! When you feel these symptoms of even other signs like heaviness in the body or sluggishness in your life, you need to break state...and there are many ways to do this.. Method 1 Turn your attention to your breath and consciously inhale " … Continue reading Are you a depressed Person?? #mentalhealth #healing #awareness #spirituality #nlp

Who are you beyond…..? #leadership #life #wisdom #mindfulness #selfrealization #yoga

The Highest Truth is unconsciously hidden even in the way we….

The way we introduce ourselves. We all say " I am (pointing fingers at our heart) (insert your GIVEN NAME)." Let's say everyone in the world did this..they would in their own language essentially do the same thing... Now because of our dream identification with the body we think the GIVEN NAME is the " … Continue reading The Highest Truth is unconsciously hidden even in the way we….

Have you heard of an exit plan other than in a business proposal?  When the senses look outward your focus will be on a retirement plan and you would be unconscious to the truth that the universe where you plan to retire in is a dream that can become nothing without giving you notice. Inward vision reveals the truth of who you are and keeps you … Continue reading Have you heard of an exit plan other than in a business proposal?

Goals, obstacles, challenges are all awakening tools…. Start your journey the way you are most suited for…. #leadership #awakening #spirituality #lawofattraction

You can either meditate or seek results…Not both. Which one are you willing to drop? #meditation #spirituality #yoga #zen #mindfulness #mindbodysoul Are you ready to meditate and drop the result craving? Here are some methods to help: Some tips to help you:

Are you ready to close your TV channel? #awwkening #leadership #mindbodysoul #kriyayoga

Sun rise is a beautiful opportunity #leadership #awakening #nlp #meditation #mindfulness #lifecoach #hooponopono

Maybe they just mean the same thing…

Do you want to wake up or sleep longer? #spirituality #awakening #mindbodysoul #hypnosis #leadwithlove #dream #subconsciousmind #mindovermatter #perspectives

Do you want to wake up or sleep longer? #spirituality #awakening #mindbodysoul #hypnosis #leadwithlove #dream #subconsciousmind #mindovermatter #perspectives This pic of open gate Sangha is powerful: The owl is a night creature...if you keep aware and watch the process of sleep a d with meditative practise to back you up you can witness a nothingness state of deep sleep which also lapses to a non dual state and from that non dual … Continue reading Do you want to wake up or sleep longer? #spirituality #awakening #mindbodysoul #hypnosis #leadwithlove #dream #subconsciousmind #mindovermatter #perspectives