The balance of intensity and acitvity

In case you have forgotten how to relax…. #leadership #meditation #lifecoaching #covid19

When breath is free… #covid19 #spirituality #leadership #healing #gratitude #kriya #pranayama #hooponopono #meditation

To live happily and inspired you must know how to die successfully and consciously #meditation #spirituality #lifecoaching #chakras #freedom #mindfuliving

How you experience life depends on where you see life from. Which activation centre are you viewing experiencing life from? Find out more from the Instagram posts and the videos shared.

Meditation is a way of life

Are you stuck in a dream?

Is your operating system updated to the best possible version?

Transformation is really incorrect as a word and approach to knowing a higher version of your Self. The better way to do that is to clean up the older operating system I.e uninstall it and download and install the best version. The clean up, download and install are all done by a single action called … Continue reading Is your operating system updated to the best possible version?

Build your escape velocity… This is the best video I have come across till Date that has inspired my practise on meditation..covers many aspects of life in an integrated is the you tube link

You need to translate dreams into action..

There are no obstacles…only lessons to lead you to success Living life from an awakening perspective..think of everyone you meet as a mirror or as the God you choose to see in everyone and what is God showing you through that interaction? Introspect and ask your sub conscious mind lovingly help me let go of what is going on in me that makes me … Continue reading There are no obstacles…only lessons to lead you to success

Don’t do it…facilitate it…

Stories have a purpose..don’t be stuck to the story…

Master your Mind and become a Mastermind

The way to go in….

As you read the question first pay attention to your breathing...did you notice something.....??? What happens to your mind when you asked Who am I? Did you notice it turn inward???? Keep asking the question and try to follow where the mind is going? It is headed somewhere inside you...keep on asking the question and … Continue reading The way to go in….

How far are you in your Life Management Degree?

Can you trust your perceptions??

Can you trust your perception? I personally feel as a person who has had the experience of transcending the mind, that it's important to recognize the limitations of our perceptions. We can be very confident of our perceptions and they can lead to convicining results if we pursue them but the fact is those results … Continue reading Can you trust your perceptions??

Go beyond your likes and dislikes to know the Truth

Be Sincere Not Serious…

Sincerity is lived through Mindfulness while seriousness is lived through an agenda. You can't be both at the same time. If you want to deepen your meditative learning, you need to recognize that you have already taken the illusion too seriously....and as a result your working towards an outcome...split the words outcome and you will … Continue reading Be Sincere Not Serious…

Reject complexity and embrace truth which is always Simple and easy…

We are creatures of action and reward over so many lives that it takes a lot of effort (effort is time) to believe that the best version of us is pure existence and to stop chasing goals and rewards. Ultimately the only way to Be That best version is stillness and quiet.. It's easy to … Continue reading Reject complexity and embrace truth which is always Simple and easy…

The Art of Living…

Sit back and allow this Loving Sun to heal you…

Let the sunlight remove the darkness stored in your unconscious through meditation...and you will be free.. Freedom is over sold as having enough money to do whatever whimsical desire shows up in your mind but that's not freedom. Real freedom is unplugging from the mind and knowing that you are beyond the phenomenal nature of … Continue reading Sit back and allow this Loving Sun to heal you…

Don’t stagnate…graduate… How can you bring harmony of mond body and awareness?

Your feelings are a reflection of your thoughts… #healing #mindset #lawofattraction #mindfulness #spirituality #wisdom #yogi #leadership #lifecoach

You have to begin with being responsible...that means you need to be aware of what you're feeling, where are you feeling it? How does it feel?Label the it anger, sorrow, happy etc?..and now here is the super powerful way to heal and shift vibe...become aware of what thoughts are going on in your head...they … Continue reading Your feelings are a reflection of your thoughts… #healing #mindset #lawofattraction #mindfulness #spirituality #wisdom #yogi #leadership #lifecoach

Most people think they are awake….

Are you a depressed Person?? #mentalhealth #healing #awareness #spirituality #nlp

Depression and excitement are a state of mind. They are NOT you!!!! When you feel these symptoms of even other signs like heaviness in the body or sluggishness in your life, you need to break state...and there are many ways to do this.. Method 1 Turn your attention to your breath and consciously inhale " … Continue reading Are you a depressed Person?? #mentalhealth #healing #awareness #spirituality #nlp

Do you know to read your emergency alarms? #leadership #healing #therapy #mindfulness #meditation #mindbodysoul #hypnosis #hooponopono I think you might like this book – "Heal Your Mind" by Mona Lisa Schulz, Louise Hay. Start reading it for free: