When breath is free… #covid19 #spirituality #leadership #healing #gratitude #kriya #pranayama #hooponopono #meditation


In these challenging times how do we as a global community evolve to a higher consciousness?

Its time for us to take responsibility and experience our oneness with all life!

Meditation is a way of life


Is your operating system updated to the best possible version?

Transformation is really incorrect as a word and approach to knowing a higher version of your Self. The better way to do that is to clean up the older operating system I.e uninstall it and download and install the best version. The clean up, download and install are all done by a single action called … Continue reading Is your operating system updated to the best possible version?

Stories have a purpose..don’t be stuck to the story…

Master your Mind and become a Mastermind

The Highest Truth is unconsciously hidden even in the way we….

The way we introduce ourselves. We all say " I am (pointing fingers at our heart) (insert your GIVEN NAME)." Let's say everyone in the world did this..they would in their own language essentially do the same thing... Now because of our dream identification with the body we think the GIVEN NAME is the " … Continue reading The Highest Truth is unconsciously hidden even in the way we….

Allow the validation process freedom…

https://www.instagram.com/p/BxWXZG1HXMD/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=112qg350mf6oc just watch them rise and don't mess with the process, thoughts (memories) will validate themselves as false and lose the energy they carry and like bubbles burst into the air they will burst onto nothingness and leave you free. Mind and body are related. No mind, I.e. when no thoughts exist the body disappears … Continue reading Allow the validation process freedom…

To awaken you have to get beyond intelligence, you have to outsmart even intelligence… #leadership #mindbodysoul #yoga #lifecoach #leadershipcoach #kriyayoga #mindfulness #meditation


You can’t be taught…. #leadership #meditation #transformationalcoach #mindfulness #lifehacks #mindbodysoul #nlp #mindovermatter


Watch “CHI IS BIO MAGNETIC ELECTRICAL ENERGY | Master Chia #leadership #Yoga #Meditation #Chi #Prana

I like his talk on chi energy https://youtu.be/0OFgL_aaXug