In these challenging times how do we as a global community evolve to a higher consciousness?

Its time for us to take responsibility and experience our oneness with all life!

How do you play the game? #Leadership #Zen #Wisdom #Yoga

I like this talk of Allan Watts (copy the link and paste on your browser):      

“Our Deepest Fear” – Spoken By Marianne Williamson #Leadership #Spirituality #Health #Hooponopono #Meditation #Zen #Yoga #PastLives #Mind

Our Deepest Fear" - Spoken By Marianne Williamson

Stop sailing! Happiness island is a fiction! Just anchor into now and here right now!

Don't sail aimlessly on the rough seas of the mind! Anchor now and here into the peace of Now and and here!

Dead end and cliff ahead!!

Embrace boredom lovingly and awaken

That which existed before something came up is truth…truth does not arise…its the foundation

Existence is a foundation upon which the rest of the novel called mind or world is built. Once you retrace that foundation rest of the story falls apart on its own....