In these challenging times how do we as a global community evolve to a higher consciousness?

Its time for us to take responsibility and experience our oneness with all life!

Don’t stagnate…graduate… How can you bring harmony of mond body and awareness?

The leadership cosmic energy ladder #leadsrship #sprituality #yoga #meditation

Depending on your understanding of who you are one of your chakras is the most dominant and your life experience is accordingly a reflection of the level of chakra that is activated. Lower chakras relate to materialistic world perception and as you evolve to higher centres your perception is more sublime and sees through the … Continue reading The leadership cosmic energy ladder #leadsrship #sprituality #yoga #meditation

How do you play the game? #Leadership #Zen #Wisdom #Yoga

I like this talk of Allan Watts (copy the link and paste on your browser):      

Watch “PAPAJI – Don’t be a beggar” on YouTube #wisdom #awakening #meditation #realization

Here's the YouTube link:

“Our Deepest Fear” – Spoken By Marianne Williamson #Leadership #Spirituality #Health #Hooponopono #Meditation #Zen #Yoga #PastLives #Mind

Our Deepest Fear" - Spoken By Marianne Williamson

Would you say your black jeans is clean just because dirt is not apparently visible? #wisdom #leadership #MindCleaning

Is your black jeans clean just because dirt is not easily visible? So too our minds are filled with memories that need to be cleaned. Don't wait for problems to surface as a surprise. Prevention is better and more helpful than dealing with emergencies.

A short story with #life #wisdom

A child's wish (A small story) ==================== A Primary School teacher asks her pupils to write an essay "what wish do you want from God?" At the end of the day, the teacher collects all the essays given by her pupils. She takes them to her house, sits and marking them. while marking the essays, … Continue reading A short story with #life #wisdom

Wisdom for Living An Inspired Life

#Life is a #lab where you can learn to #love your #Self unconditionally. #wisdom #leadership #InspiredLiving

Success is not really the ultimate goal of life..better than that is use life as a lab to learn to love your Self in all unconditionally...when you focus on expanding love success is one of the stations you pass by..enjoy it but don't get distracted and stop your journey..continue expansion of love....

Wisdom to Live Happily

Pay attention to your class!! #leadership #inspiredliving #mindfulness

There is only one teacher in the cosmos...That is God...everybody you meet and yourself are all students...the teacher comes to you as a student and enacts a lesson...your job is not to judge but to learn you must sit still and pay attention to the class, the class is in your breathing, pay attention … Continue reading Pay attention to your class!! #leadership #inspiredliving #mindfulness

Contemplate this………#contemplation #WhoAmI #WisdomYoga #KmowledgeYoga #Freedom

Are you not aware of thoughts? Do they still belong to you? Are you not aware of the body? You are not the body or mind! Your the witness of these and completely unrelated to them!!! You are the unknown, the unknowable! When you deeply relax instead of the logical ( boring you), the Mystical  … Continue reading Contemplate this………#contemplation #WhoAmI #WisdomYoga #KmowledgeYoga #Freedom

Drop your anchor into the ocean now! You have arrived! Don’t keep searching for your destination! Your destination is “NOW AND HERE”! #happiness #nowhere #love #peace #Mindfulness #Meditation #Leadership

Mohan Sundaram email: Skype: what's ap: +918790171132

Your Pill of Wisdom for daily life!! #Wisdom #Leadership #FixThySelf

Mohan Sundaram email: Skype: what's ap: +918790171132

Be anchored in…….#wisdom #Leasership #yoga #mindfulness

Mohan Sundaram email: Skype: what's ap: +918790171132

Do you know the choice you made? Did you consciously decide??

Mohan Sundaram email: Skype: what's ap: +918790171132

Can you manifest anything you want???

Love yourself unconditionally now and here!

Are you……..?

Self confidence is not about baseless beleif that you can achieve anything through holding on to your dream! It is about " Self " confidence I e " How confident are you as to " Who are you Truly?" When you truly realize your divine higher nature you become confident that you can achieve anything … Continue reading Are you……..?

Your the sky! Just Relax!

Fears are not real. They are due to wrong understanding of your nature. Correct your understanding and your free automatically.

Dead end and cliff ahead!!

Embrace boredom lovingly and awaken

Emotional Intelligence & Leadership

I thought of you when I read this quote from "Search Inside Yourself: Increase Productivity, Creativity and Happiness [ePub edition]" by Chade-Meng Tan, Daniel Goleman, Jon Kabat-Zinn - "Benefits of Emotional Intelligence There is an important question that my friends in the training business call the so-what? question, as in, “Yes, very nice, but what … Continue reading Emotional Intelligence & Leadership

Help the Mind complete its job of validation!!!!!!

Every time you react to what you see you reaffirm a false entity and since it is false it has to appear again and again until you correctly validate the memory (experience, thought) as false. That's why even if you change jobs or move to a different city and if you were observant enough, you … Continue reading Help the Mind complete its job of validation!!!!!!

There are no obstacles….

The obstacle is the path. -Zen proverb - What we call obstacle is the ego's perception but truly speaking it is the path! You are every thing and everywhere! The people who you don't like are you! The only way forward is to love yourself. When you love yourself you melt obstacles and everyone … Continue reading There are no obstacles….

Contemplate this…

Mohan Sundaram email: Skype: what's ap: +918790171132