Learn to make decisions


In these challenging times how do we as a global community evolve to a higher consciousness?

Its time for us to take responsibility and experience our oneness with all life!

How are you feeling now?


You must know the difference between… #spirituality #meditation #mindfulness #mentalhealth


Call off the search!


You are the most important….


Is your operating system updated to the best possible version?

Transformation is really incorrect as a word and approach to knowing a higher version of your Self. The better way to do that is to clean up the older operating system I.e uninstall it and download and install the best version. The clean up, download and install are all done by a single action called … Continue reading Is your operating system updated to the best possible version?

Are you indecisive when it comes to taking action of are you confused with contradictory views in thinking?

https://www.instagram.com/p/B3dss1sHqsc/?igshid=olmc6hgvzybe Knowing your Self is the solution and while not everyone may want to seek out "Who am I?" Directly this book illustrates an awesome way using chunking up and parts integration...so if you're working on yourself or helping someone in your team you will find this useful... Reaching the Wellspring Within" by Connirae Andreas, … Continue reading Are you indecisive when it comes to taking action of are you confused with contradictory views in thinking?

Welcome to the Circus show..If your lost and need help to find the exit rise above and see the path out…


Build your escape velocity…

https://www.instagram.com/p/B3UK0pXH_zj/?igshid=k1783ch622um This is the best video I have come across till Date that has inspired my practise on meditation..covers many aspects of life in an integrated fashion...here is the you tube link http://bit.ly/2IuYaUQ

There are no obstacles…only lessons to lead you to success

https://www.instagram.com/p/B2svf5sH6Tg/?igshid=1o5194p1662b6 Living life from an awakening perspective..think of everyone you meet as a mirror or as the God you choose to see in everyone and what is God showing you through that interaction? Introspect and ask your sub conscious mind lovingly help me let go of what is going on in me that makes me … Continue reading There are no obstacles…only lessons to lead you to success

Have you won your independence?


The way back home


Reject complexity and embrace truth which is always Simple and easy…

We are creatures of action and reward over so many lives that it takes a lot of effort (effort is time) to believe that the best version of us is pure existence and to stop chasing goals and rewards. Ultimately the only way to Be That best version is stillness and quiet.. It's easy to … Continue reading Reject complexity and embrace truth which is always Simple and easy…

Here is something to help you overcome obstacles…. A cleaning tool…


Small leads to the big stuff

Build healthy small habbits and you will be surprised where it takes you...

Learn to enjoy diving deep within as well…

https://www.instagram.com/p/BzTTCcOnmyB/?igshid=pd3jhhoo4whf That requires courage for sure but you need even more courage to dive into the depths of your unconscious mind and the rewards of diving into your unconscious mind are much more long lasting and take you to new levels of human understanding of the life process... #awakenings #mindfulnesscoaching #lifecoaching #nlppractitioner #subconscious #subliminal #cbt … Continue reading Learn to enjoy diving deep within as well…

Don’t stagnate…graduate…

https://www.instagram.com/obstacleclearingcoach/p/By6gP03nKzs/?igshid=1re41m4kppgel How can you bring harmony of mond body and awareness?

Who are you beyond…..? #leadership #life #wisdom #mindfulness #selfrealization #yoga

The art of living is the art of expansion… #leadership #mindfulness #spirituality #mindbodysoul #coaching #therapy #artofliving


Time to relearn and take control of your mind body car #leadership #spirituality #mindfulness

Look at the foot pedals: To clutch from the mind engine watch your breathing, to apply power brakes inhale hold and exhale in 1:2:1 and to accelerate think. Use the accelerator sparingly till your on your right highway... Train to use them here:

Are you ready to close your TV channel? #awwkening #leadership #mindbodysoul #kriyayoga


You know how to snap out of depression….. #mentalhealth #leadership #motivation #mindfulness #emotionalstates


Your invited to explore tranquility….. #leadership #meditation #awakening #mindbodysoul

https://www.instagram.com/p/BwOGJy9ned0/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=1e0kmt0f9qu24 Recognize the invitation to tranquility. Success is of no value without tranquility. Much like your night dreams seem real while you sleep in exactly the same way the waking world is an illusion of the ego that will dissolve when you decide to wake up from your wonderland adventures. The ego is a false … Continue reading Your invited to explore tranquility….. #leadership #meditation #awakening #mindbodysoul

Sun rise is a beautiful opportunity #leadership #awakening #nlp #meditation #mindfulness #lifecoach #hooponopono
