To live happily and inspired you must know how to die successfully and consciously #meditation #spirituality #lifecoaching #chakras #freedom #mindfuliving

How you experience life depends on where you see life from. Which activation centre are you viewing experiencing life from? Find out more from the Instagram posts and the videos shared.

Is your operating system updated to the best possible version?

Transformation is really incorrect as a word and approach to knowing a higher version of your Self. The better way to do that is to clean up the older operating system I.e uninstall it and download and install the best version. The clean up, download and install are all done by a single action called … Continue reading Is your operating system updated to the best possible version?

Build your escape velocity… This is the best video I have come across till Date that has inspired my practise on meditation..covers many aspects of life in an integrated is the you tube link

You need to translate dreams into action..

Empty vessels always need the noise to grab attention…

Have you won your independence?

Your feelings are a reflection of your thoughts… #healing #mindset #lawofattraction #mindfulness #spirituality #wisdom #yogi #leadership #lifecoach

You have to begin with being responsible...that means you need to be aware of what you're feeling, where are you feeling it? How does it feel?Label the it anger, sorrow, happy etc?..and now here is the super powerful way to heal and shift vibe...become aware of what thoughts are going on in your head...they … Continue reading Your feelings are a reflection of your thoughts… #healing #mindset #lawofattraction #mindfulness #spirituality #wisdom #yogi #leadership #lifecoach

Give your 100%…

Allow the validation process freedom… just watch them rise and don't mess with the process, thoughts (memories) will validate themselves as false and lose the energy they carry and like bubbles burst into the air they will burst onto nothingness and leave you free. Mind and body are related. No mind, I.e. when no thoughts exist the body disappears … Continue reading Allow the validation process freedom…

Have you heard of an exit plan other than in a business proposal?  When the senses look outward your focus will be on a retirement plan and you would be unconscious to the truth that the universe where you plan to retire in is a dream that can become nothing without giving you notice. Inward vision reveals the truth of who you are and keeps you … Continue reading Have you heard of an exit plan other than in a business proposal?

Goals, obstacles, challenges are all awakening tools…. Start your journey the way you are most suited for…. #leadership #awakening #spirituality #lawofattraction

To awaken you have to get beyond intelligence, you have to outsmart even intelligence… #leadership #mindbodysoul #yoga #lifecoach #leadershipcoach #kriyayoga #mindfulness #meditation

Facilitate it…and the rest will happen… #transformation #mindfulness #leadership #yoga

Congruence of mind body and soul

Work smart and enjoy the journey not hard….. #leadership #success #mindbodysoul #yogi #beliefs #mindovermatter #coachingtoolbox #mindmanagement Develop mind power

You don’t need to be serious to succeed.. #Leadership #Success #Psychology #Mindfulness #Awakening

When your too serious you loose the game of life...and the game has to stop and it becomes necessary to start a new is about awakening and you awaken when you relax deeply..we must succeed but the correct way to succeed is when you enjoy the journey mindfully....all obstacles are just thoughts...there is no … Continue reading You don’t need to be serious to succeed.. #Leadership #Success #Psychology #Mindfulness #Awakening

Living Dangerously #Freedom #Fear #uncertainity #Mindfulness #Leadership #Meditation #Yoga #Zen #Psychiatry

I thought of you when I read this quote from "Courage: The Joy of Living Dangerously (Osho Insights for a New Way of Living)" by Osho - "Don’t call it uncertainty—call it wonder. Don’t call it insecurity—call it freedom   I am not here to give you a dogma—a dogma makes one certain. I am … Continue reading Living Dangerously #Freedom #Fear #uncertainity #Mindfulness #Leadership #Meditation #Yoga #Zen #Psychiatry

Are You In The Flow? #Relaxation # MentalHealth #Meditation #SilentSitting #Leadership #Yoga #Life #Wisdom #Kundalini

Obviously its No! Even if You tried to change the change might have been short lived simply because of a lack of conviction on a higher purpose of life. This is a trap and often people get stuck here with trying to figure out " Did the Chicken come first or the egg come first?" … Continue reading Are You In The Flow? #Relaxation # MentalHealth #Meditation #SilentSitting #Leadership #Yoga #Life #Wisdom #Kundalini

#Work Of Byron Katie #Mind #100%Responsiblity #Wisdom #ConsciouslyExpand #Love

Pay attention to your class!! #leadership #inspiredliving #mindfulness

There is only one teacher in the cosmos...That is God...everybody you meet and yourself are all students...the teacher comes to you as a student and enacts a lesson...your job is not to judge but to learn you must sit still and pay attention to the class, the class is in your breathing, pay attention … Continue reading Pay attention to your class!! #leadership #inspiredliving #mindfulness

Need some help???? #suffering #problems #wisdom #mindfulness

Hey little self, All the powers of God are in you. You must activate the powers and meditation does just that. When your having troubles I do feel compassion but remember that compassion needs to be delivered wisely or else it will YOU weak.  It is important to know that you have a role in … Continue reading Need some help???? #suffering #problems #wisdom #mindfulness

The goal is not success…the goal is to empty the mind!!!#leadership #Mindfulness#Hooponopono #Wisdom #LifeLessons

Everything that your sense see is an illusion! Just like in your night dream you experience a city which does not actually exist yet appears to be true for the period of the dream, so too the waking world is as illusory as the night dream. What is Truth? That you are the witness of … Continue reading The goal is not success…the goal is to empty the mind!!!#leadership #Mindfulness#Hooponopono #Wisdom #LifeLessons

Don’t look around for whose causing the traffic jam! Your the cause! Be 100% responsible!

Contemplate this………#contemplation #WhoAmI #WisdomYoga #KmowledgeYoga #Freedom

Are you not aware of thoughts? Do they still belong to you? Are you not aware of the body? You are not the body or mind! Your the witness of these and completely unrelated to them!!! You are the unknown, the unknowable! When you deeply relax instead of the logical ( boring you), the Mystical  … Continue reading Contemplate this………#contemplation #WhoAmI #WisdomYoga #KmowledgeYoga #Freedom

You don’t need to be the best! You just need to be more and more of You!!!! #leadership #mindfulness #wisdomyoga