The balance of intensity and acitvity

In these challenging times how do we as a global community evolve to a higher consciousness?

Its time for us to take responsibility and experience our oneness with all life!

Is your operating system updated to the best possible version?

Transformation is really incorrect as a word and approach to knowing a higher version of your Self. The better way to do that is to clean up the older operating system I.e uninstall it and download and install the best version. The clean up, download and install are all done by a single action called … Continue reading Is your operating system updated to the best possible version?

You need to translate dreams into action..

Empty vessels always need the noise to grab attention…

Stories have a purpose..don’t be stuck to the story…

Master your Mind and become a Mastermind

Sit back and allow this Loving Sun to heal you…

Let the sunlight remove the darkness stored in your unconscious through meditation...and you will be free.. Freedom is over sold as having enough money to do whatever whimsical desire shows up in your mind but that's not freedom. Real freedom is unplugging from the mind and knowing that you are beyond the phenomenal nature of … Continue reading Sit back and allow this Loving Sun to heal you…

Sounds simple…but its very profound…

Most people think they are awake….

Are you ready to close your TV channel? #awwkening #leadership #mindbodysoul #kriyayoga

To awaken you have to get beyond intelligence, you have to outsmart even intelligence… #leadership #mindbodysoul #yoga #lifecoach #leadershipcoach #kriyayoga #mindfulness #meditation

Do you want to wake up or sleep longer? #spirituality #awakening #mindbodysoul #hypnosis #leadwithlove #dream #subconsciousmind #mindovermatter #perspectives

Do you want to wake up or sleep longer? #spirituality #awakening #mindbodysoul #hypnosis #leadwithlove #dream #subconsciousmind #mindovermatter #perspectives This pic of open gate Sangha is powerful: The owl is a night creature...if you keep aware and watch the process of sleep a d with meditative practise to back you up you can witness a nothingness state of deep sleep which also lapses to a non dual state and from that non dual … Continue reading Do you want to wake up or sleep longer? #spirituality #awakening #mindbodysoul #hypnosis #leadwithlove #dream #subconsciousmind #mindovermatter #perspectives

It’s not enough to see…you must elevate to seeing through the dream… #leadership #mindfulness #nonduality #awakening #dream #therapy #lawofattraction