In case you have forgotten how to relax…. #leadership #meditation #lifecoaching #covid19

Learn to make decisions

In these challenging times how do we as a global community evolve to a higher consciousness?

Its time for us to take responsibility and experience our oneness with all life!

You are the most important….

Do you know to read your emergency alarms? #leadership #healing #therapy #mindfulness #meditation #mindbodysoul #hypnosis #hooponopono I think you might like this book – "Heal Your Mind" by Mona Lisa Schulz, Louise Hay. Start reading it for free:

Learn to Drive Safe! #MEDITATION #Leadership #Zen #Yoga #MentalHealth

Your body is a car. Get rid of the unskilled driver called Ego

You don’t need to be the best! You just need to be more and more of You!!!! #leadership #mindfulness #wisdomyoga

Good morning and have a splendid day exploring, learning and waking up through your wonderland experience! #Wonderland # dream #Wisdom #wakeup #Mindfulness

Your world is a wonderland , a story that has no truth , pure imagination much like Alice in Wonderland! Experiences give you the opportunity to wake up if you bring Mindfulness into it! Simply living without Mindfulness is a waste of time! Have a splendid day! Mohan Sundaram email: Skype: what's ap: … Continue reading Good morning and have a splendid day exploring, learning and waking up through your wonderland experience! #Wonderland # dream #Wisdom #wakeup #Mindfulness

There is only broken pieces outside…#wisdom #leadership #mind #WakeUp #KnowThyself #PeaceIsNowHere

Don't waste precious time looking for peace outside! Outside is pieces of mind brought about by thinking! While peace is the wholeness of being already exists even in your most chaotic moments... In deep sleep, we feel peace because we INTUITED our inner real being in the absence of a world...the world is a … Continue reading There is only broken pieces outside…#wisdom #leadership #mind #WakeUp #KnowThyself #PeaceIsNowHere

Humor Awakens You To Your Reality

mohan sundaram (@mohansundaram73) tweeted at 9:08 AM on Tue, Sep 08, 2015: Who says u can't accomplish serious things jokingly? Your ego sells u that! Your here to spread laughter and smiles not to put people down and sad! All you need to do is make it your job to be happy and that is … Continue reading Humor Awakens You To Your Reality

I am confused and determined to confuse everyone around to hide my confusion!

Your Mindset Coach


Mohan Sundaram
Mobile: +91 8790171132
Twitter : @mohansundaram73
Skype: mohan.sundaram.73

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